Water used in commercial and industrial applications is a crucial component in practically all processes. Raw/makeup water quality varies based on different sources of water, namely sea, lakes, rivers, groundwater etc. Coagulation and flocculation chemicals are used in the process of raw water and effluent (waste) water treatment.
Polyelectrolytes are essential for industrial applications including settling, de-watering and de-oiling to help recycling and reuse of treated effluent. Equipment such as centrifuge filter, belt- filter- press (BFP) and DAF (Dissolved Air Floatation) are found to have enhanced efficiency and increased production rate by incorporating polyelectrolytes in the process
Siam Water Solutions provides a broad spectrum of polyelectrolytes including anionic, cationic and non-ionic powders and emulsions along with coagulants of different chemistries, which are highly effective in solving a wide range of industrial effluent treatment problems.
Use of Siam Water Solutions products in wastewater treatment results in converting effluent waste into wealth by producing fuel in the form of methane gas and dry sludge. These can be used as manure, for producing particleboards and most importantly for recycling and reuse of treated effluents, thereby minimizing the use of fresh water.
Specific programs are implemented that start with careful selection of products using jar tests and are followed by field trials. These programs bring about the following benefits